Dandruff on eyebrows: How to get rid of it?

suraya mir
2 min readSep 21, 2021

Eyebrow dandruff is a similar problem to scalp dandruff. It causes the area’s flaky skin to shed. It is a prevalent condition, so nothing is worry about it. Dandruff that appears in our brows is similar to dandruff that can occur on the scalp. Individuals with oily skin are more likely to develop extra flakes and scales.

Eyebrow dandruff can affect anyone, at any age, from infants (commonly referred to as “cradle cap”) to older adults.


- Seborrheic dermatitis (most common cause)

- Contact dermatitis

- Dry skin

- Eczema

- Psoriasis

Malassezia is a fungus that thrives in oily skin secretions and is associated with dandruff. Dandruff, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and other skin conditions are all caused by the fungus. Additionally, itching, inflammation, and redness or irritation may occur.


- Itching.

- Irritated patches of skin.

- White or yellow flaky pieces of skin.

- redness.

You may notice a scaly appearance around certain areas of your brows, as well as areas that appear slightly oily.

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Treatment of eyebrow dandruff

The treatment for brow dandruff varies according to the cause. Occasionally, what works for one person may not work for another, so do not become discouraged if one treatment does not appear to be working for you.

Over-the-counter shampoos are the primary treatment for all types of dandruff, including brow dandruff. Dandruff shampoos can help treat dandruff on your brows — work it into a lather and rub it on your brows while in the shower, leaving it on for a few minutes before rinsing. In addition, shampoos containing selenium sulfide, such as Selsun Blue, can help treat Malassezia, and shampoos containing ketoconazole are wise to consider if other dandruff shampoos are ineffective.

Dandruff on eyebrows: How to get rid of it?

Studies showed that tea tree oil has antifungal properties and is effective in treating dandruff. However, if the cause is contact dermatitis, you must avoid the product that leads to irritation. You can use moisturizers to reduce irritation and flakiness.

Applying anti-itch cream or taking an antihistamine such as Benadryl can help alleviate the itch. In addition, applying cool, wet compresses for 15–30 minutes can reduce irritation and itchiness.


It is impossible to prevent every or all cases of eyebrow dandruff. However, you can try some general tips that may help prevent some cases, such as:

- hydrating the skin with a facial moisturiser

- protecting the skin from the sun’s rays

- keeping an eye out for potential allergens in order to avoid using them

- not picking the area

When to call your doctor?

- If you notice any pus coming from the irritated skin areas

- the symptoms interfere with your daily activities

- all of a sudden you develop a painful rashe

- you have a fever

- if the symptoms don’t subside in about three weeks

- it looks infected

