Exercises to avoid after Hip Replacement

suraya mir
3 min readSep 15, 2021
Exercises to avoid after Hip Replacement

There are a few exercises need to avoid after a hip replacement. Most therapists and medical doctors recommend avoiding activities that require you to:
— bend your hip past 90 ranges (squats, knee-to-chest, lunges, stretching)

— avoid crossing one leg over the other (Means figure four stretch)

— turn your foot inward, also called ankle rotation

— raise your leg to the side (side leg raises)
No stretching the side of your glute/hip, no bringing your knees up to your chest, and especially hard to remember; however, don’t turn your foot out and your knee into the midline. We usually suggest using a hip adduction pillow while sleeping to help keep your precautions.

Stop — Bending into Flexion including.

You are putting on your shoes/Tying shoes. This can seem like a harmless movement, but as anyone who has already had a hip replacement can attest to, it’s far tough to put your socks and footwear on. It is all about your hip precautions. Most people will bend forward to put on their shoes and break the hip flexion precautions or try to turn their foot out to get them on. These are both unsafe. This will be the safest way to use a sock aid or slide your affected foot slowly up the good leg. Generally takes around 6 weeks to be able to do.

Avoid — Sitting Too long and also Sitting on a Low surface.

Sitting is good and, in short, bouts to allow the muscle groups to relaxation and healing. However, too much sitting causes muscles to tighten and stiffen up. The hip has an inadequate blood supply, so it relies on movement and muscles to pump blood into the joint space. Hip Flexion sitting total hip hip precautions more blood the area has, the quicker it will heal, and the less stiff it will experience. Try to put a timer on your cellphone to move every 45 minutes.
If the patient is trying to sit in a too-low chair, it will be challenging to get out of and cause undue strain; however, you will break hip precaution by having hip Flexion greater than 90 degrees. If the chair is just too low, you could add a cushion to increase the height and stay within your precautions. The Care clothing seat riser has excellent reviews online and personally recommended by our patients.

picking Up something From the floor

Reacher for after a total hip replacement surgery again, another gentle movement, but I’ve personally had people dislocate with this simple movement. once again, it breaks hip flexion precautions. One person turned into trying to start their lawnmower, and the other person was bending down to grab the remote control off the ground. To assist with this, we advocate using a reacher or grabber and having a person live with you in the early recovery of the post-op to help you with easy things such as this.

