How To Get Better Posture?

suraya mir
3 min readJun 11, 2022


How To Get Better Posture?

Correcting your posture may feel weird at first since your body is so used to sitting and standing in a certain way. However, with a bit of practice, good posture will become second nature and help your back in the long run.

Straighten Up

Imagine you’re standing against a wall to measure your height. Stand up straight and tuck your chin in. Make sure your ears are over your shoulders. As you stand, make sure that your shoulders are back, your knees are straight, and your belly is tucked in. Make sure your booty and hips aren’t sticking out. Straighten up, so your head feels like it’s stretching.

Avoid ‘text neck’ or Hunched back

Do you spend all day on your phone? Stop for a moment and stretch your neck. It strains your spine whenever you tilt your head downward to check messages. That can add up for a day — or a year. If you want a better view, lift your phone and move your eyes, not your head.

Don’t be slouchy

Additionally, it adds stress to your spine. Putting that much strain on your spine puts a lot of strain on your bones, muscles, and joints. However, slouched posture is not just bad for your back. If you slump all the time, your internal organs get squashed together, making them more challenging to function. As a result, you will find it difficult to digest food or breathe properly.

Keep heels for big nights out

Style yes, but posture no. Pumps and stilettos push your spine forward, which overarches your back. It can cause back pain because it changes how your spine lines up. Additionally, sky-high shoes place more pressure on your knees. For everyday wear, choose a lower, chunky heel.

How To Get Better Posture?

Work Hard, Don’t Slump

Let’s slouch — maybe lean back and swivel a bit. But that’s not a good posture. Instead, try this: Sit as upright as you can. Roll up a small towel or place a lumbar cushion behind your midback to protect your spine from bending. Bend your knees at a right angle and keep them at the same level as your hip or a bit higher. Put your feet flat on the floor.

Low-riders beware

Reclining is nice and comfortable on a long drive. Nevertheless, it is not good for your posture. Try sitting up straight. Do not lock your legs. Slightly bend your knees. They should be at hip level or a bit above. If you need support, place a pillow or rolled-up towel behind you.

The Benefits Of Good Posture

Cradling your phone

This posture puts strain on your muscles and soft tissues over time and leads to muscle imbalances between your neck’s left and right sides. Put yourself in the habit of holding your phone in your hand or using a hands-free device.

Exercises for neck pain and stiffness :

- During neck rotations, slowly rotate your chin towards one shoulder, hold for ten or fifteen deep breaths, then do the opposite side

- Gentle neck stretches — put your left ear towards your left shoulder, hold for 10 to 15 breaths, and repeat on the other side.

